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Accurate Homoeopathy

Explore Accurate Homoeopathy with Dr. Parmal Singh Tanwar >>

First of all we require Accurate treatment when we fall ill. Whenever we fall sick, the disease causes damage to the sick at three levels, in which along with the disease the mental and physical level is also affected. Mostly suppressive treatments are prevalent in our society, due to which recovery poses the risk of further worsening of disease. Due to this, the mental state and physical condition also starts deteriorating simultaneously. Then appearance of the face also worsens. Have you ever noticed why the facial appearance, health and nature of our children is getting completely spoiled.

Is the treatment that we are getting right ? How can the wrong and right treatment be identified ? Can ordinary people recognize wrong treatment ? NO, Not at all. Then what should be done in such a condition ? The doctors who practice the right way of treatment, let them sit together and find an easy way to reach out to as many sick people as possible. Unless allopathy is put to limits, it would be difficult to save Indian culture, according to my experience I have understood only one thing till date that no one has ever been able to cure to disease because diseases can never be cured ! It can only be suppressed. And if the disease is suppressed then it affects the mental state, the physical sate and the state of the disease at all the three levels, and then, when a person falls sick again, a bigger disease arises than before. A minor illness progresses to  a major illness and finally the disease becomes incurable and then in the end it leads to a wretched death. Only intelligent and wise people can understand this wrong treatment. People in ancient times also wanted to avoid allopathy but today it has spread beyond limits. Companies have now  increased medicines (drugs) by 2 to 3 times. More the number of medicines (drugs) , more are the number of diseases. Foreigners never want good for us, they become more prosperous as our diseases increase.

 Such  treatments are possible in our country which not only cure the disease but the sick also, So he improves at mental and physical levels also. If one becomes good then how can he do wrong ? Good deeds can only be expected from good people and only good people can give good system to the nation. It is much more difficult to aspire for good in the prevailing system. It is not the fault of nature but it is the fault of distortion done by humans with the nature. The way, the hateful conspiracy is going on today we are simply unable to understand this and those who have understood, they are afraid because those people are powerful and don't let these good people live if they oppose them.

When the power that drives the body is so subtle then the faults or irregularities in it are also very subtle. Therefore to eliminate the very subtle defects, we need very subtle power which  we get from the potentatised medicine prepared in homoeopathy. To give accurate medicine to the patient is the basic need, which is possible only by a good homoeopathic doctor. Otherwise wrong homoeopathic medicine can cause more harm than allopathic treatment.

If we start taking proper and accurate treatment then the nature of people comes to natural condition. People, in their natural condition also have physical and psychophysical nature in natural state. In this natural state only ordinary diseases such as common cold, cough, fever, diarrhea and minor skin diseases etc. can possibly occur. Whereas in the unnatural conditions and with wrong treatment only incurable and complex diseases can occur. So as a result of this children being born in abnormal condition are also abnormal. Also from the very beginning, major diseases have started to appear in infants. Thus behavior of children is no more innocent even in the childhood. We should find a solution to avoid wrong treatment. Ayurveda teaches us the art of not getting sick. We have good treatments available in Ayurveda in case we fell sick, whereas most of the people prefer to get treatment in allopathy. Nothing can be done for these people because their wisdom is hijacked by  abnormality produced in their psychophysical nature. So they should be left on allopathy.

The greed for a quick recovery has engulfed people.  Only our system is not to blame for this. In this system priority is given to allopathy. It is dangerous for our country. In our country through Yoga and meditation, the task of healing  has been done for thousands of years. It is a safe way to stay healthy which costs nothing and achieves perfect health. Then why today every person runs to get allopathic treatment  when no medicine is made in allopathy  ? There are drugs given in allopathy, although they provide momentary relief, yet leads towards a great physical and mental loss. Together with this, major diseases start arising in future which is not fair anyways. The best system of life in Indian culture has been going on since ancient times, then why are we adopting foreign culture today ! It's a matter for the wise to think about.

We should do a thorough study on this subject. For this, a working committee should be formed in the country which should decide right and wrong. Otherwise whatever is going on in this country is leading towards catastrophe.