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Yoga And Meditation

YOGA – is an art of living a happy life. The word yoga is made from Sanskrit word yaju in Sanskrit, whose meaning is to write. The work which is done with mind and body is yoga. Efficiency in working is yoga. According to Patanjali, to stop fluctuations in mind is yoga. Yagyavalka samhita calls the communion of soul with supreme soul (almighty) as Yoga. With yoga body feels light, becomes disease free and starts glowing, voice becomes sweet, the body emanates a nice odour and much more. The basic text on yoga is “Yoga Sutra” written by maharishi patanjali. There are eight parts of yoga due to which it is also known as “Ashtang Yoga” by sage Patanjali which includes –
i. Yama (behavior) 
ii. Niyama (regulations)
iii. Asana (postures)
iv. Pranayama (controlling breath)
v. Pratyahara (control of sense organs)
vi. Dhaarna (concentration) 
vii. Dhyan (meditation )
viii. Samadhi (communion)

1) Yama – This leads to pure and good behavior with others. Five disciplines come under yama : 
i. Ahimsa (non-violence) – not to hurt or inflict pain on any one in thought, speech or action.
ii. Satya (truthfulness) – one should be clear and not treacherous in one’s behavior. 
iii. Asteya (non stealing) – not to steal by mind or action. Not paying appropriate wages. 
iv. Brahmcharya (celibacy) – practicing Brahmacharya, to protect semen in every way.
v. Aparigrah (non hoarding) – non-accumulation of un-required wealth or things. 

2) Niyama (regulations) – These are connected with individual’s body, senses and conscience, the means by which one may establish control over mind and body. this also has five parts :
i. Shauch (cleanliness) – internal & external cleanliness of the body. 
ii. Santosh (contentment) – to be contended in all phases of life 
iii. Tapa (dutifulness) – performing duties with diligence 
iv. Svadhyaya (regular practice) – study of holy books & own life
v. Ishwar pranidhan (surrendering to God) – seek refuge in the almighty

3) Asana (postures) – Asanas are very important for maintaining good health. They remove laziness, instability, restlessness and obesity from the body and provide satvik glow as it affects the endocrine glands minutely. Types of Asans – asans which stretch, asans of pranayam, asans which requires force and asans which activates nervous system. There are 4 types of asanas which are done by standing, while sitting, while lying down on back and lying on stomach. Suryanamaskar is also regarded as both exercise and asan. It can be performed by all age groups.  There are various asanas and yogic exercises that can be practiced in daily life to stay healthy, keep body fit and sound mind. Some of them are – shavasana, padmasana, uttanpadasana, pawanmuktasan, chakras an, sarvangasan, halasana, matsyasana, vajrasana, ushtrasana, gomukhasan, bhujangasan, shalabhasan, utkatasan, shirshasana, tadasan, etc.

Six yogic kriyas / shat karma (six actions) -  In hath yoga there are six ways of cleaning the body. For doing any asana cleansing of body is essential. Practice of shat karma removes waste from the body. This cures many diseases and keeps the body and mind healthy. These six kriyas are: 
i. Vasti – pawan vasti, jal vasti. 
ii. Kunjal – it involves ingestine warm saline water and then expelling it to clean stomach. 
iii. Dhauti -  vastra dhoti, jal dhoti, vayu dhoti.
iv. Neti – jal neti, sutra neti, kapalbhati 
v. Nauli – while bending the shoulders, the movement of stomach in a circle is done. 
vi. Tratak – it is done by concentrating the eyesight on a certain point for a long time. 

Shankhprakshalana – apart from shat karma, shankh prakshalana is a process of cleaning the whole digestive system. 

Yogic exercises – for improving mind power, eyesight, cheeks power, hearing ability, strengthening the neck, shoulders, chest power, for improving mooladhaar chakra and for awakening kundalini power. 

4)  Pranayama & breathing exercises – Pran (breath) control is pranayama. It is made of two words – Pran and Ayam. Pran means life and ayam means length. Padamasana is the only best asana in which Pranayama can be done. It has three parts – 
i. Rechak – exhaling, 
ii. Poorak – Inhaling 
iii. Kumbhak – Retaining the breath

Nadi – the body has 72864 nerves out of which three are very important. 
i. Ida nadi (Chandra nadi) – this begins at the left nostril and goes upto the base of spine. It provides coolness to the body.
ii. Pingla nadi (Surya nadi) – it begins from the right nostril and goes upto the base of spine. It provides heat to the body.
iii. Sushumna Nadi (Spinal Cord) – placed between ida and pingala nadi. This begins from the medulla oblongata in the brain and goes upto the base of spine. 

Bandh – it is the great releaser of energy like the atom. It is a process of controlling and hardening different organs of the body but in a phased manner. Bandhs are of three types – 

i. Mool bandh – the muscles of the anus should be pulled upwards using strength internally. Remaining in the position is mool bandh. It is helpful in awakening of kundalini . if both men and women practice it regularly then their married life will be full of immense happiness. This includes Ashwini Kriya.

ii. Uddiyan bandh – Exhale and pull the stomach within so that the belly  becomes a pit against the back. Remaining in this position as far as possible is uddiyan bandh. This includes Agnisar Kriya .

iii. Jalandhar bandh – In this chin is rested on the throat. 

Punch Pran – Though pran is one in the human body but according to its place and activity it is divided into five parts namely,  
i. Pran Vayu – it resides from mouth and nostrils upto heart. It causes breathing.
ii. Apan Vayu – it resides from navel upto feet. It performs the function of expulsion of stool and urine.
iii. Vyan Vayu – It pervades the entire body. It performs the subtle functions of the inner self.
iv. Saman vayu – It resides from heart to navel and performs the subtle activities of inner self. 
v. Udan vayu – It resides from head to throat. It keeps the head and body upright. 

Special Pranayamas :
i. Anulom – vilom or Nadi shodhan Pranayama
ii. Bhastrica Pranayam
iii. Surya Bhedi Pranayam
iv. Chandra Bhedi Pranayam
v. Ujjayi Pranayam
vi. Sheetali Pranayam
vii. Sheetkari Pranayam
viii. Bhrahmri Pranayam
ix. Plavani Pranayam
x. Agnisar Kriya

5) Pratyahar (Control of sense organs) – when senses for their own satisfaction go after the material object controlling them by not letting them to go to the material object is called pratyahar. 

6) Dharna (Concentration) – The act or practice of concentrating wholly on a single point or on a task in which one is completely engrossed in concentration. The practice of dhaarna should move from tangible to intangible and from visible to invisible. 

7) Dhyan (Meditation) – keeping the mind continuously in concentration is called dhyan. 
 Samadhi ( communion) 

II. Pranayama & Breathing exercises – 
III. Yogasanas for fit mind & body – 
IV. Meditation for Holistic Excellence – 
V. Yognidra